Being friends

Why We Are Here? 
what we can say?

Quaker Meetings can appear to be somewhat of a mystery.  How is it that an hour of largely silence, punctuated by occasional short and spontaneous reflections which Quakers call 'ministry', can be beneficial, even life-changing to those who come regularly?  In a busy, often frantic world it would appear that an hour of communal silence and reflection might be beneficial, perhaps therapeutic even, but Quakers experience so much more during their weekly Meetings. 


“I love coming to Meeting because there is a warm welcome and an atmosphere of shared meditation and prayer.  People care for one another and for the wider community around us. I appreciate the genuine respect for others whose spiritual seeking may be expressed quite differently.”


“I think Quakers are people who avoid dogmatism and rigidity in matters of faith. They try to understand what spiritual paths have in common and value the fruits of faith.  They place co-operation above competition in all spheres of life.”


“A chance to quieten my thoughts and be still.  I wait for God to speak either through meditation, a reading or through someone’s ministry in Meeting.”


“Quaker faith (and practise) allows me to live my life in the divine presence being led, challenged, disciplined and nourished.   It shows me how to live in the world and how to be fully human in response to the need of others.  It opens me to the richness of the experience of others both contemporary and of those who have gone before me.  It provides meaning and a sense of fulfilment.”


“Reflection on that which is greater than myself – God – and seeking opportunities to live out the Quaker testimonies.  And so, in the decisions and choices of everyday life, and in my attitudes to others and the earth, living a life, as far as I can, which is simple and sustainable, fair and loving, resulting in the least harm to all inhabitants of our world.”


“I have always found a challenge and reality in George Fox’s saying “finding that of God in everyone”.  It is not always easy to achieve.  But in living our Quaker faith we must be open to others with different faiths or none.  Living out and upholding the Quaker testimonies is a daily exercise.”

“Attendance gives me the privilege of being part of a gathered community of seekers as we are drawn together to listen, and through the stillness, drawn to mutual encouragement and the meaningful sharing of our lives together.  For me Quaker worship is essentially mystical, mysterious, providing me with a centre and grounding for my week – opportunity to encounter the presence of God in community.”



Take a Welcome Pack

There are free welcome packs available in the entrance hall for you to take home. Each pack contains informational leaflets and a copy of the book Being a Quaker, which offers insights into Quaker beliefs and practices.